LGBTQ Affirming Therapy Online in Philadelphia and Beyond

Are you ready to explore your sexual and gender identity without having to spend so much time explaining yourself?

You’re feeling disconnected from others and even from yourself because you don’t have the words to describe how alienating and defeating it feels to not be out to your loved ones, having to defend your relationship, or to continue being misgendered.  Or, you’ve been out and proud for years and you’re trying to figure out how a new experience or way of thinking about your identities can be integrated into the big constellation of identities and experiences that make you “you.”

You notice that things are starting to get tough.

  • Feeling alone or uncertain has made it hard to focus in class and left you unmotivated to study. 

  • You’ve found yourself avoiding offers to go out with friends because you’re not sure how they’ll respond to your new partner. 

  • In turn, your grades are dropping, your relationships are deteriorating.

How LGBTQIA+ affirming therapy works

Imagine feeling understood for how your gender identity or sexuality is an important part of you, but not all of you, while still navigating the ways in which these identities inform your experiences, self-image, and relationship dynamics.

Unfortunately, many mental health professionals are not well-informed about LGBTQIA+ issues or current terminology, so even with the best intentions, clients like you still end up having to be educators in the therapy space even as you navigate your own concerns.  We take LGBTQIA+ affirmative therapy seriously, not just by helping you feel understood and validated in therapy but also by keeping ourselves informed on the latest issues and best practices for supporting the community.

Furthermore, our therapists are trained in DBT, trauma-informed therapy, mindfulness, and narrative therapy to 1) explore new strategies for emotional coping and conflict resolution, 2) strengthen body- and mind-based techniques to feel calm and safe even in uncomfortable situations, and 3) unpack outdated or unresolved narratives that may be negatively affecting how you feel about yourself, your relationships, and the future.

Whether you’re looking for therapy to process coming out to family, taking the next step in gender-affirming care, or just looking to feel supported as you process relationship distress, we are here to help you feel supported with no pressure to perform as “educator.”

LGBTQIA+ clients will learn:

  • Validating emotional regulation techniques for navigating an invalidating, dysregulating world

  • Strategies for improving relationships through boundary-setting, strengthened communication, and maintaining feelings of safety in vulnerable discussions

  • How to engage in self-love as a radical political act, through strengthening self-care, self-compassion, and connection to community

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I ask for my therapist’s experience working with my specific identity?

We encourage it! We want you to feel confident that you feel understood and sometimes knowing what sort of training your therapist has or how your therapist has approached working with your specific identity in the past helps that confidence.

What if I’m not entirely confident that *I* know my identities?

First off, you don’t owe anyone – including your therapist – a perfectly baked souffle of answers regarding your identities. Part of LGBTQIA+ affirmative work includes guiding clients to a deeper understanding of their own identities, even if that still ends up being heterosexual or cisgender after a lot of questioning.

I’m not in the community but I want to support a loved one who is. Do you work with me too?

We love working with loved ones of the community too! Working with a therapist who understands the nuances and complexities of certain identities amidst our larger societal context can help answer your questions and inform pathways to support and affirmation.

Do you do gender evaluation letters?

Yes! We are able to provide letters both as doctoral-level psychologists providing ongoing psychotherapy to you as a client, as well as “independent evaluators” (sometimes required depending on your insurance).

Does your LGBTQIA+ affirmative care intersect with any other identities?

Yes! Our sex-positive, kink-positive, CNM-affirmative therapists are trained in cultural humility practice and dedicated to unpacking the intersections between heterosexism/transphobia and other forms of discrimination like racism and anti-fatness.

There is a future of confidence, safety, and inner peace waiting for you, and you are so ready for it.